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Michael Sutherland
Executive Director
Michael is a managing director at One Investment Group. Michael has over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry including 12 years’ experience in providing trustee, custody and administration services to the debt capital markets and funds management industry.
In this time Michael spent 7 years at Perpetual Limited where he was a senior lawyer in Perpetual’s legal teams. Michael has also spent a number of years in other business and legal roles including working in large, medium and boutique fund managers, retail banks, investment banks, structured credit providers and hedge funds, such as ANZ, ABN AMRO, AMP, Everest and Absolute Capital.
Michael also has experience acting as an executive director of Responsible Entities, ASX listed companies (executive director and company secretary) and acting as a member of investment, product, risk, audit and compliance committees.
Michael holds a Bachelor of Law from University of Technology Sydney and a Bachelor of Arts from Macquarie University. He is a member of the Australian Securitisation Forum and holds a current practising certificate from the NSW Law Society.